e-Learning DevCon 2006 opened my eyes
As UofL is offering a new course called Emerging Technologies, I thought it a smart idea to join the wife for this eye-opening experience into the future of eLearning. We flew to Salt Lake City for the August 7-9 e-Learning DevCon2006 hosted by Rapid Intake. I was lucky to walk away from one of the evening drawings with a copy of the new FlashForm Rapid eLearning Studio. That almost balanced out the cost of the round-trip flight from Louisville.
Brent Schlenker was energizing, presenting "Learning 2.0 - The Revolution Has Begun", that highlighted all the things we can do NOW...FREE. He discussed Blogs, starting a WIKI, downloading an RSS aggregator, Podcasting and VideoCast. His insight into the youth culture and future employees (my high school pupils) was mind-blowing when it came to Second Life and similar virtual realities. It's a shame a family emergency resulted in his early departure. Brent maintains the Corporate Learning Development blog - elearndev.blogspot.com. Great personality, great guy. I hope you search out Brent. He has tremendous ideas.
More later on the wonderful people and sessions presented at this great conference.
Wow! Thanks for the kind words. My daughter is doing great, thanks!
I'm very glad to have helped "open your eyes". While I work in Corporate learning as a profession, I am extremely interested in these tools impact the youth culture. But more importantly, I want to help teachers get a better understanding, so that they can be prepared to use these tools in the classroom.
Feel free to contact me anytime via the blog, but the best blogger in the educational space is Will Richardson at http://www.weblogg-ed.com/
Check him out. Thanks again! And happy blogging!
Thanks for the comments, Brent. You've demonstrated to my graduate collegues that blogging allows educators to receive valuable input from colleagues, regardless of location. It also proves this assignment, "create a blog", can attract other bloggers who provide sage remarks. Glad the daughter is well. Plan on hearing from me later as I plan to suggest you as a presenter for "Imagine the Future of Learning" (IFL) Conference held each summer in Louisville.
I would be honored to attend and present at the IFL. Thanks for suggesting me.
A note of caution for your colleagues, blogging is not a quick fix. This isn't like learning Captivate and having a tangible little learning nugget that is "measurable": the learner did it, or the learner didn't do it. Remember, its chaotic at times, and the most valuable part is learning to embrace the chaos. I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers!
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