When someone scoffs because of my interest in PowerPoint, I raise a questioning eyebrow. Just because it's been around for 15 years (?) doesn't mean you're using it to its full potential. Think about it. Hasn't everyone been in the training, classroom, or session where PowerPoint was just a substitute for a handout.
Only recently did I start using the custom animation. Imagine my surprise when I produced my first "masterpiece" on the Windows version, complete with moving objects, only to discover that the Mac version doesn't offer this juicy tidbit. You have three options with Mac: the entrance, emphasis, and exit of a custom animation. Only on the PC can you complete the fourth and "definitely the most impressive" action: MOTION PATH or Custom Motion Path.
It seems that no matter how much of a Mac-prophet I become, I feel the need to scratch my head about things like this. Why would the Mac, so capable in the multimedia arena, lack little gems like PowerPoint custom motion paths? How about posting a reply to inform me of any other cross platform headaches I may discover as I strive to become proficient on both the Mac and Windows platform.?